National Public Viking

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Twilight MP3 Now Up

|current sounds| Long Legged Woman- Nobody Knows This is Nowhere (I'm really flipping out over this. I'm going to put out their 7" single very soon.)

Photo: frankianz

Chris Schlarb has posted a 13-minute excerpt of the Twilight & Ghost Stories live premiere I performed in last December. You can find it at the bottom of his latest blog post, "In Twos."

The festival organizer sent me the full, unedited, unmixed half-hour version a little while ago, but this is a nice meaty morsel from the performance that kinda scraps a few parts that, in hindsight, were a little off. It was interesting hearing it for the first time since that night. Chris was right: my guitar tone sounded incredible. (Now if only I could translate that into the poor demos I record every now and again.) Just for interest's sake, Chris and I begin the piece and my guitar's the one that sounds vaguely like a sitar.

EDIT (1/28/08): The MP3 has been mentioned on Pitchfork's PR-happy "Forkcast" multimedia aggregation. It's at the bottom of their 40 Bands 80 Minutes DVD blurb. My name is included with Daedelus and Liz Janes as "among others." Look out, fame! The Pitchfork effect now takes its course.


At 10:37 AM, Blogger Erik said...

listened to the demo...i really enjoyed it! and you're right, your guitar sounds really great. soon enough you'll be able to make recordings like this for yourself. Looking foward to getting my hands on a copy of that 7" single...


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